Final Thoughts

The approach outlined in this booklet is based on existing good practice in the environmental field and extensive MOD experience with environmental management in the acquisition process. The processes that MOD has initiated mean that it is one of the first major organisations in the public sector to apply environmental management to its acquisitions in such a structured and systematic manner.  However, these are still early days for environmental management (as compared to safety management), so the application of the relevant principles and systems to the acquisition process will be challenging.

MOD, and especially Project Teams, should remember that no organisation can continue to solve every environmental ill, and that whatever is required can't be done all at once. A process of improvement takes time to mature.

Reflecting on experience with safety and environmental management, if the MOD and its Project Teams can apply an incremental approach to environmental management, building competence and understanding as well as links to other related initiatives, then significant improvements in both equipment and MOD's environmental performance will result.

This booklet is for MOD the first step on a path towards a process of continuous environmental improvement in future acquisi