Audit Question Set Section 2.2 Communication

These questions can be used as an aid to assure that your project adheres to the policy briefed in clause 2.2 of the Statute Policy mandated by Defence Regulators which states;

Operating Centres, Delivery Teams or equivalents shall ensure that communication procedures are implemented that provide an effective flow of safety and environmental information upwards, downwards and across their organisation.

- Policy Clause 2.2 Communication

These questions address ASEMS Part 1, Clause 2.2 and DSA 01.1, Elements B, C, I and K.
Information Management
  1. What arrangements have management put in place to ensure that safety and environmental information is communicated upwards, downwards and across the organisation as necessary?
  2. Where are the details recorded?
Organisational Leadership, Culture, Capability and Change Management
  1. What have management done to ensure compliance with the arrangements and manage any changes required?
Incident Management and Learning from Experience
  1. How does management ensure the dissemination of significant incident / accident / near miss information to all relevant parties?
Self - Assurance
  1. What internal and / or external oversight has been carried out to assure the adequacy and effectiveness of the above arrangements and their outcomes?

Covers assurance for policy clause


Operating Centres, Delivery Teams or equivalents shall ensure that communication procedures are implemented that provide an effective flow of safety and environmental information upwards, downwards and across their organisation.


Assures Procedures


Contracting for Safety and Environmentally Sound Products, Systems or Services

This generic procedure serves to outline the process of managing contracting for safety and environmentally sound PSS.



Effective communication of the principles, goals and outputs of the Delivery Team’s Safety Management System and Environmental Management System is essential to the success of managing safety and environmental risks. It is important to ensure that relevant responsibilities are understood and that actions should be carried out in a coordinated and efficient way.


Stakeholder Communications

This procedure will enable the Delivery Team to ensure that environmental issues are appropriately managed, with all environmental responsibilities communicated. EMP02 will assist the Delivery Team in identifying stakeholders, define and agree project environmental responsibilities, produce an effective communication plan and assemble an environmental committee.


Project Safety Initiation

This procedure describes the start-up of safety management activities on a project. It identifies safety stakeholders, and legislative and other standards that should be satisfied. The procedure also creates the key elements of the safety management organisation for the project.


Safety Committee

This procedure describes the implementation of a Safety Committee, in order to ensure effective co-ordination between persons holding safety responsibilities.


In-Service Safety Management System

This procedure provides guidance for sustaining safety performance by ensuring in-service arrangements are recognised and operated.