Audit Question Set Section 4.3 Legislation Identification and Other Requirements

These questions can be used as an aid to assure that your project adheres to the policy briefed in clause 4.3 of the Statute Policy mandated by Defence Regulators which states;

Operating Centres or equivalent shall establish and maintain a procedure for identifying and accessing the relevant safety and environmental legislative and other requirements that are applicable to their projects.

- Policy Clause 4.3 Identification of Legislation and other Requirements

These questions address ASEMS Part 1, Clause 4.3 and DSA 01.1, Elements E and K.
Risk Assessments and Safety Cases
  1. How did you establish which legislative requirements were applicable to your project and where are they recorded?
  2. How have you assessed the risks associated with legislative non-compliance and where are the results recorded?
  3. How do you monitor for updates to applicable legislative requirements and where are the details recorded?
  1. How have you assured that the list of legislative requirements you identified is adequate and complete?


Covers assurance for policy clause

Identification of Legislation and other Requirements

Operating Centres or equivalent shall establish and maintain a procedure for identifying and accessing the relevant safety and environmental legislative and other requirements that are applicable to their projects.


Assures Procedures


Identifying Compliance Obligations and Demonstration of Compliance

It is important to identify environmental compliance obligations that apply to projects in order to demonstrate compliance. This procedure better enables Delivery Teams to identify relevant environmental compliance obligations, understanding how compliance is achieved and how compliance arguments should be built and recorded.


Project Safety Initiation

This procedure describes the start-up of safety management activities on a project. It identifies safety stakeholders, and legislative and other standards that should be satisfied. The procedure also creates the key elements of the safety management organisation for the project.


Safety Planning

This procedure guides the development of a Safety Management Plan which defines the Safety strategy, ensuring acceptable Safety performance through life.


Safety Requirements and Contracts

This procedure provides guidance for defining the requirements of the Safety Management System (SMS), and how it will be demonstrated that safety targets have been met. The procedure also provides guidance for the development of contractual terms with external contractors where they are required.