GMP00. Safety and Environmental Protection Leaflets

System Revision ID ASEMS Document Version Effective From State
5044 4.6 30/09/2024 - 13:30 Extant

0.1. Introduction

ASEMS Part 1 is supported by a series of Safety & Environmental Protection (S&EP) Leaflets. The S&EP Leaflets represent a short-term mechanism for quickly promulgating essential policy and guidance updates. These leaflets collectively make up GMP00, and are also provided within the Knowledge in Defence.

0.2. S&EP Leaflets

This GMP consists of all extant S&EP Leaflets. For leaflets that have been superseded, please refer to ASEMS Supporting Documentation.

S&EP Leaflet 02/2011 - ALARP in the Military Equipment Capability Context


S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 - Equipment Safety and Environmental Protection (SEP) Risk Referral

                                    - Risk Referral Template 


S&EP Leaflet 06/2013 - Noise Measurement to Facilitate Assessment of Exposure and selection of Hearing Protection


S&EP Leaflet 07/2013 - Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials

                                    - DE&S Legal Position on Abestos Flow Chart


S&EP Leaflet 08/2013 - Safety Guidance for Software Only Projects


S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 - DE&S' Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life Across MOD

                                    - Annexes C and D


S&EP Leaflet 12/2017 - DE&S Requirement for the Management of Equipment Safety and Environmental Issues and Incidents

                                    - Enclosure 1 Event Notification Reporting Template


S&EP Leaflet 14/2019 - System Safety Risk Management


S&EP Leaflet 15/2019 - Safety and Environmental Management Plan Reviews


S&EP Leaflet 16/2021 - Commercial Diving Acquisition


S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 - Delegated Acquisition Safety Responsibilities in DE&S

                                    - Training Matrix

                                    - S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 Templates

                                    - Guidance for SSR & SR Assignment Holders

                                    - Guidance for SSR & SR Assessors

                                    - Guidance for  SD Assignment Holders

                                    - Guidance for SD Assessors

                                    - Guidance for SM Assignment Holders


S&EP Leaflet 18/2023 - Delivering Sound Environmental Performance in DE&S Acquisition


S&EP Leaflet 19/2024 - Delegated Acquisition Safety Responsibilities for Executive Safety Responsible Assignment Holders in DE&S


S&EP Leaflet 20/2024 - Responsibilities for Waste in DE&S Acquisition



0.3. Version Control

Version 4.5 to 4.6

Addition of new S&EP Leaflet 19/2024 - Delegated Acquisition Safety Responsibilities for Executive Safety Responsible Assignment Holders in DE&S

Version 4.4 to 4.5 Uplift

Update to S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 - DE&S' Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life Across MOD to Version 2.9

Version 4.3 to 4.4 Uplift

Addition of new Leaflet 20/2024 - Responsibilities for Waste in DE&S Acquisition

Version 4.2 to 4.3 Uplift

Update to S&EP Leaflet 17/2023 -  Delegated Acquisition Safety Responsibilities in DE&S to Version 2.0

Removal of S&EP Leaflet 10/2017 - System Safety and Environmental Protection Competence Mapping

Version 4.1 to 4.2 Uplift

Update of S&EP Leaflet 03/2011 - Equipment Safety and Environmental Protection (SEP) Risk Referral to Version 3.1

Version 4.0 to 4.1 Uplift

Update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 - DE&S' Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life Across MOD to Version 2.8.

Version 3.9 to 4.0 Uplift

Update of S&EP Leaflet 09/2015 - DE&S' Contribution to Mitigating Risk to Life Across MOD to Version 2.7.

Version 3.8 to 3.9 Uplift

Update of Leaflet 07/2013 - Management of Hazardous Substances and Restricted Materials to Version 1.5.

Version 3.7 to 3.8 Uplift

Addition of new Leaflet 18/2023 - Delivering Sound Environmental Performance in DE&S Acquisition.

Version 3.6 to 3.7 Uplift

Update of Leaflet 03/2011 - Equipment Safety and Environmental Protection (SEP) Risk Referral to Version 3.0.

Version 3.5 to 3.6 Uplift

Update of Leaflet 12/2017 - DE&S Requirements for the Management of Equipment Safety and Environmental Issues and Incidents to Version 3.1.

Version 3.4 to 3.5 Uplift

Addition of new Leaflet 17/2023 - Delegated Acquisition Safety Responsibilities in DE&S.

Version 3.3 to 3.4 Uplift

Update to Leaflet 12/2017 - DE&S Requirements for the Management of Equipment Safety and Environmental Issues and Incidents to Version 3.0.

Version 3.2 to 3.3 Uplift

Removal of S&EP Leaflet 13/2017 - The DE&S Way for System Safety and System Environmental Protection. All information from this Leaflet now available in the main body of text.

Version 3.1 to 3.2 Uplift

Update to Leaflet 16/2021 - Commercial Diving Acquisition to Version 1.2.

Version 3.0 to 3.1 Uplift

Addition of new Leaflet 16/2021 - Commercial Diving Acquisition.

Version 3.0

Introduced at Version 3.0.